Chang-Jae Roh received “The Oxide Electronics Prize for an excellent poster” at iWOE-30

Dr. Chang-Jae Roh, in the Group of Prof. Andrea Caviglia, has been awarded the “The Oxide Electronics Prize for an excellent poster” for his presentation: “Wrinkle-driven symmetry evolution in PbTiO3/SrRuO3 freestanding membranes” at the 30th international workshop on oxide electronics (iWOE-30) in Darmstadt, Germany in October 2024.
The presentation of Chang-Jae describes a nonlinear-optics study on ferroelectric oxide freestanding membranes (PbTiO3/SrTiO3), aiming at monitoring and characterizing structural symmetry evolutions. By adopting the nonlinear-optical microscopy technique, Chang-Jae observed that curved structures in flexible oxide heterostructure not only can enhance but also can control ferroelectric properties.