Tejas Singar receives the Würth Prize

Tejas Singar, in the group of Prof. Christoph Renner, was awarded the Würth Prize for the best PhD Thesis in physics at the University of Geneva.
In his PhD work, Tejas Singar unambiguously reveals for the first time a close link between a Lifschitz transition and a radical change in the electronic structure of the vortex cores in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d. His measurements by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy offer a rare view into a quantum phase transition as a function of charge carrier density, with the identification of a quantum critical point. These results raise as many questions as they provide new experimental insights into magnetic flux lines.
Tejas’ work has also revealed periodic electronic modulations whose energy and magnetic field dependencies suggest the presence of a complex superconducting order parameter, a much-debated subject in the field of high-temperature superconductors and for which there is as yet no irrefutable experimental evidence. Tejas clearly identifies a possible spectroscopic signature of such an order parameter.
Tejas’ work is an original and significant contribution to the highly competitive field of high-temperature superconductivity.